Tuesday 27 August 2013

It's about time we get a moon base

It has recently came to my attention, I guess, well more I just thought about this matter just before. That even though we had man on the moon about half a century ago and we have machines crawling about Mars as we speak. Not a lot has been done with the moon.

How I see it, if we have an international space station up in our orbit somewhere which blatantly means we can get people up into space on a some what regular basis as it is. You are already half way there. Get some folk up there and send across shuttles to the moon with machines and tools needed to build initial buildings for people to live in and work from.

Considering like I said we first landed moon side nearly half a century ago something like this should have at least been started let alone finished. You have to wonder what NASA have been up to over all these years.

Yes there has been a lot of exploration, however why are we not doing anything closer to home. Below is my draft design of a moon base. Took me no time at all. If I can plan that in a few minutes I don't see why NASA have been taking so long.

Friday 16 August 2013


So firstly I'm starting this up again as I have become bored and unemployed again. It kinda sucks however I guess me getting drunk and making a twat of my self in the place I work wasn't the greatest ideas. However the was a big bag of snidy bastardness that lead up to my drunken tangent which evidently got out of hand but hey cant blame others for me getting wankered I guess. Anyway thats by the by (and i seem to be using that lot, I might stay bringing it back, as well as Asshat as an insult and you should too) anyways I've went back to not drinking again as I need to get my life sorted out and pretty fast tbh. Anyway as I have started my unemployment saga again I think I may just go grow me another unemployment beard. There will be pictures coming in due time once I find my webcam again to give photo updates of its bearded glory.