Friday 16 August 2013


So firstly I'm starting this up again as I have become bored and unemployed again. It kinda sucks however I guess me getting drunk and making a twat of my self in the place I work wasn't the greatest ideas. However the was a big bag of snidy bastardness that lead up to my drunken tangent which evidently got out of hand but hey cant blame others for me getting wankered I guess. Anyway thats by the by (and i seem to be using that lot, I might stay bringing it back, as well as Asshat as an insult and you should too) anyways I've went back to not drinking again as I need to get my life sorted out and pretty fast tbh. Anyway as I have started my unemployment saga again I think I may just go grow me another unemployment beard. There will be pictures coming in due time once I find my webcam again to give photo updates of its bearded glory.

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