Sunday 21 August 2011

Status quo.

So I went to see Status Quo tonight, they where pretty good even from the back of the field where I spent most my time.It is a good thing Alnwick having a yearly festival, I use that term lightly but its getting drunk in a field watch live bands. That acquaints to festival like enviroment. Hopefully this will continue on and get bigger within time and become a well known gig among the nation there for being able to get more bands playing growing the 'concert'

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Now I know my ABC's

I'm talking sign language ABC's just to clarify. I found a printout of the alphabet online and have been practising all day and can do them pretty well. I guess i should just start spelling out what I want to say and get quicker doing the hand gestures and start learn some words.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Learning to sign.

I have decided I want to learn sign language. A while ago I did start and learnt a little of the alphabet but gave up on it. I will follow through with the learning process of signing this time, (I just said I'll follow through). I do know that the fingers on I think it is your left hand are the vowels other than that I don't really know much else. I'll find somewhere that does beginner lessons, more than likely Youtube will have some, failing that there is always google. We will soon see. I have actually wanted to learn for awhile so instead of putting off any longer, I figured I will start learning once again as of tomorrow.

The names Bond, James Bond.

So yeah I have just finished downloading every single James Bond film in existence. So I think I may just be having a James Bond Marathon over the next few days. I haven't seen all that many of them to be honest. I think out of the 20 odd films theres been I've seen maybe 4 or 5 if that. Should be interesting.

God help you all.

So it appears I passed my driving test today, with 9 minors I think it was. Not to shabby, still had 6 more cocks ups to spare. Now I can legally be let loose on the roads. I then went on to celebrate with a pint and a pack of smokes. I see a pint a half 11 in the morning acceptable after my success, all that say otherwise are wrong. Then went home and got attacked by that nasty horrible vicious guard dog of mine because I left her alone for a a couple of hours, you would think that she'd been left alone for days. Poor little oggy dog.

Monday 15 August 2011

That damn dog

So this morning, I'm quite happily lying in bed sleeping then I hear the dog scuttling about making some noise and she kind of wakes up up a little. I turn over to go back to sleep and there she is just staring at me. So I say hello and make a little bit fuss and try to get another couple hours. But shes still sat there staring and starts whining at me. So I assume she needs to go out in the garden or something, I drag myself out my pit and start heading downstairs. But does she follow me, no we wait until I get out my bed and she jumps up there and steals it for herself, curls up and goes to sleep. I get kicked out my own bed so I my dog can get a more comfortable place to sleep.

Balloon Modelling

A few weeks back I, for some reason that I can't remember now, bought some modelling balloons and started to learn to make balloon models. Believe it or not, the basics of it all are quite simple to learn and soon picked it up, learning how to make dogs, swords and basic hats. I later moved on, after getting some more balloons started doing some stuff that was a little more complex, like parrots and teddy bears which at first took awhile but now are quite simple. My latest creations which I am quite proud of is a 2 balloon dog and a monkey. I will upload some pictures maybe even videos of me in action. I am getting quite good at them now, I just need to widen the variety of things I can make.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Driving Test

So yeah I have my driving test coming up. On tuesday actually, I reckon I can drive well enough to pass if anything is going to get me it will be parallel parking. But I can drive no problem really. I reckon I'll pass. Hopefully the driving guy isn't in a shitty mood aswell I guess and mark me down for the smallest things. Anyway we shall soon see.

Breaking Bad

I've just started watching this show. I have had it downloaded on my computer for ages now but never got round to watching it. So I have started a Breaking Bad marathon over the past few days I'm upto mid season 3 at the moment and am quite hooked, tis a shame I've only just got just over half a season to go. The first few of episodes I wasn't to sure about it but it was one of those programs that grows on you the more you watch it as you connect more with the characters. But yeah tis good, I would recommend give the show a watch if you haven't see it before it's a good watch.

Saturday 13 August 2011

New Austin Powers

Mike Myers has signed up to return as Austin Powers in the fourth installment of the series. As of which James Bond film they will parody up this time we don't know yet. No doubt we will see the return of Michael Caine as Nigel Powers, Seth Green as Scott Evil and Verne Troyer as Mini Me, along with many of the characters Mike Myers plays himself.

Friday 12 August 2011

The stuff I think about when I can't sleep.

Don't ask me why I thought of this but I think it was last night actually I sat and thinking how much time you must spend in your life on the toilet. I actually did a little math for the situation aswell again don't ask me why. Say the average crap takes about 4 minutes (I'm going on stats of me btw) and say you go for a dump every couple of days. Lets say that's 15 times a month, but then you get the occasional barbeques and nights on the booze which with me at least encourage more pooping, and yes I'm trying to use as many different words as I can for turds. Anyway I'm going to say I will drop the kids off at the pool about 20 times a month. Thats 80 minutes a month making it 960 minutes a year which is what 16 hours a year. Lets say you live 75 years. That's 1200 hours a life time which is 50 days of shit.