Friday 12 August 2011

The stuff I think about when I can't sleep.

Don't ask me why I thought of this but I think it was last night actually I sat and thinking how much time you must spend in your life on the toilet. I actually did a little math for the situation aswell again don't ask me why. Say the average crap takes about 4 minutes (I'm going on stats of me btw) and say you go for a dump every couple of days. Lets say that's 15 times a month, but then you get the occasional barbeques and nights on the booze which with me at least encourage more pooping, and yes I'm trying to use as many different words as I can for turds. Anyway I'm going to say I will drop the kids off at the pool about 20 times a month. Thats 80 minutes a month making it 960 minutes a year which is what 16 hours a year. Lets say you live 75 years. That's 1200 hours a life time which is 50 days of shit.

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