Friday 21 October 2011

Reading on the Toilet

To be honest I never really understood the whole read while you crap thing. I have tried it in the past, but to be honest unless you are severely constipated or have the shits there is really no time at all to read anything worth while. If you read while you have the shits, good for you. I bring this up due to the fact the guardian actually had an article about this, if you want to give it a read here is the link.

I just don't understand why people do it. The few times I have done it I either ended up sat there far to long actually getting into the book and forgetting about the reason I actually went to the toilet for, if I wanted to sit down and read a book surely I would want to do it without my arse out on display or I'll be done crapping within a minute or so and end up reading half a sentence which is no point really as it would take literally years to finish a book reading it a couple sentences a day.

With the exception of constipation or the shits as you would be there for quite awhile, I really don't get why people read while crapping.

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