Saturday 8 October 2011

Random Title

So it's been a little over a week since the last bearded update and I haven't rambled on pointlessly for a while either so that is what I shall be doing for the next few minutes as I let my fingers type away and we will see what crap comes up. I am really starting to like my beard now, it is getting rather beardly, and apparently beardly isn't a word according to spell check, so I might go patent the word and get it put in the dictionary and get royalties some how every time some one says it. So what have I been up to I hear you all ask, frankly it's same as always at this moment in time, get up, watch latest tv as I watch at american pace and get all your sitcoms and random american comedies weeks in advance of british tv. South Park has started again by the way for all that might be interested so no doubt it'll be turning up on comedy central in a few weeks or something. It's pretty funny, the episode is about aspergers and Cartman starts a burger stand, anyway I'll not give to much away for anyone that hasn't seen it yet. Where was I, yeah same shit different day really, but I find stuff to keep me amused. Right now I have downloaded a load of custom Left 4 Dead campaigns and am going to play through all of them and I recently bought Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, it's a pretty old game but it's a decent game and I will be getting back into that again whenever it arrives in the post, it'll probably be monday or something. I'm in no hurry anyway. I can't really think of anything else to say so here is the latest on the bearded front.

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