Friday 14 October 2011

Should we boycott toilet seats?

I hsd an interesting thought earlier about toilets. Bare with me on this, what I don't get is why are all your standard toilets not build with a toilet seat attatched. Think about it, you buy a new toilet and set up in your bathroom, but you can't use it. You still have to go buy a toilet seat.

I want to crap now though, I shouldn't have to hold it in or do that awkward hover to drop the kids off at the pool. I generally want to know why you have to buy toilet seats separate from toilets and why toilet seats wern't put in to the design process of actually toilet. The fact we have to buy them separate is quite frankly ridiculous. You might argue but the why it is we can get 'novelty' toilet seats, I counter that point with what the hell is the point in fancy toilet seats, people don't buy toilets to look at how pretty they are, they buy them for 2 reasons.
I for one look forward to a world where the toilet seat industry doesn't exist and toilet and toilet seat are joined together as one just like they should be. I just don't get why this isn't the standard for toilets nation wide.

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