Wednesday 28 September 2011

The beard is still going.

So as I never really have much to say at the moment which is more than likely due to the fact I do sweet fuck all for a living at the minute. I am going to do weekly updates of the unemployment beard instead of daily. I am still taking a picture every day and at some point down the line I will do a beard growth montage quite possibly with Eye of the Tiger playing because all montages should use it. It's the one thing about life Rocky taught me, if you can a montage you need Rocky montage music to back it up. Anyway due to the weekly beardedness thing going on you can actually see a significant difference between the pics I am going to put on here as there is going to be a week of beardedness between them. Makes sense doesn't it. I need to go pee so I am gonna finish rambling here and shove up a picture quickly before I make a mess. So every ... wednesday I shall post a picture of the bearded progress. I may actually keep my beard even if I do get a job, I am kind of growing attatched to it. One last thing I think I might work on a decent background for this place instead of using a random template. We shall see.

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