Thursday 8 September 2011

Capital One are useless fucking cretins and I hate them.

It started last month, because they returned a payment even though I had enough cash in the bank to pay them. But I ended up getting 2 £12 fines first one for a returned payment which was there fault and going over my credit limit which again was there fault for the unnecessary first fine. So I just thought fuck it and paid off the fines and figured I can't be arsed phoning them and explaining yadda yadda bull shit. Now I find out they tried to take a direct debit this pay day for the amount I had already fucking paid. Resulting in another £24 in fines, again totally their fault for not checking and updating their system telling it I had already paid what had to be paid. So they will be getting a phone call shortly with me ranting down the phone demanding these bull shit charges be removed as it was entirely their fault. Fucking bastards. I'm skint enough as it is with another £24 quid to pay. Also here is beard, it's got a long way to go before it is a truly spectacular beard.

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