Wednesday 7 September 2011

Clone Wars

I've started watching it as I was running out of new tv to watch and I've not seen it before, I've watched maybe half a dozen or so episodes. It's okay I guess, not as bad as a lot of people made it out to be. But you get angry nerds whatever ever you do anyway. You see Yoda fight an entire Battalion which is pretty cool. Anyway its now day 4 of the beard documentation, it's getting to that itchy stage now. I must persevere through this horrible stage of the beardedness and get past it. Anyway here it is, I'm trying to block out the window to reduce glare but didn't really work that well. I could always just take the picture later when it gets dark outside or just close the curtain but never thought of that until I uploaded the pic and wrote all of this and I frankly cba to do it now. I probably will do in the future, but that's for future Craig to deal with. I just unemployed for another job this morning aswell at Linden Hall, it's full time and well it gives me money should I happen to get it, except that there is not much else that I've seen. I'm sick of being unemployed I want more moneh. Something will turn up, it's just a matter of time, that and the kids are heading back to school now anyway so a few jobs should pop up due to students with summer jobs leaving them to go schooling again.

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