Tuesday 6 September 2011

I need to find something to do

I wouldn't ask about the title, it seemed funny when I typed it. Anyhow the beard continues, I need to find something to do with my time, I've resorted to documenting my beard growth. I kind of remember someone doing this and taking daily photos of them self and making a montage video, I may do that at a later date. It's starting to show a little more growth although that may be me sitting slightly closer to the camera so I can see el beardo more clearly. I think I am going to leave it about a week so until the 11th then shave away the neck and checks leaving the goatee part more... dominant? Not the word I was looking for but it shall do. Yesterday I went out and did a solo Wayne's World Bohemian Rhapsody thing, it was awesome, I will do it properly at some point though, just need to find 4 willing suspects. Having the dog in the back of the car doesn't really count. At least she didn't chuck up this time, yeah the other day I was driving down to the beach, took her for a wander, got back into the car and what do I find? Doggy spew all over the back seat. Yummy. Luckily there was a seat cover thing in there so the back seat was safe. This lead to doggy being showered to get it nice and pukeless, she wasn't to impressed with being hosed down.

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