Wednesday 21 September 2011

I kind of gave up on the beard thing

It got to the stage where it was ridiculously itchy, so I shaved only to find that my face was still itchy, no idea why it just was, so in hindsight I should have just persevered with the unemployment beard of epicosity. This was verging on a week ago now, and I shall continue once again to become an unbelievable hairy bastard. Not got much else to ramble on about, I get far to bored to easily. So here be the last day of the first attempt, it was starting to get somewhere I kind of regret doing it now but hey, and todays new slightly less bearded erm beard aswell. A before and after if you will.

Dunno why the second pictures a strange colour but I really can't be arsed to play about with settings just to get it right so you will all have to deal with it. The camera doesn't really do the beardedness justice as I think I'm more beardy that I look in the pics.

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